Monday, May 12, 2014

En Plein Air and Sketch

Yesterday afternoon I went to Bell Tower Cinema to see the movie Railway Man, which seemed to have received good reviews. Unfortunately, I was a little disappointed by it. It was pretty bloody for sure, but the story could be better even though it was based on a true story. Before I entered my movie hall, I did a sketch on a lady sitting in the snack hall with children. Her posture was a little awkward since she was trying to do something on the table while sitting at a right angle.

Encouraged by my discoveries last time on Tuchahoe Road, this morning I was curious about the other part of the road, so I purposely turned left into the road instead of turning right as I usually did. I didn't drive too far on the road before I came to an intersection with a street named Styles Road. The name tickled me and, therefore, I immediately made a right turn to see what styles I could find. I came to an entrance of a farm, the tin roof of its house was glaring deep in the dark woods. The contrast made it even brighter. So I set up across from the entrance and made this painting.

Entrance to a Kingdom on Styles Road
Oil, 10 x 16.5


  1. Now that I've figured out how to see your blog posts along with my other favorites... I promise to keep in touch. Wish I were brave enough to set up my easel on a lonely road. Let me know if you are painting down south towards Punta Gorda or Englewood and I'll join you. Diane

  2. I will, Diane. I went painting with Punta Gorda Plein air group once, but most of the times I paint around where I live and won't go that far.
