Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Sketch: Another Day in Paradise

Yesterday morning I went to Gantry Plaza State Park to paint, by the East River Ferry across from the United Nations Building. Unfortunately, when I was setting up, I realized that I dropped a nut off the easel leg somewhere in the subway, so I tried to make do  with the railing which gave the easel a little support. Shortly after I blocked in large chunks of color, I saw dark clouds came from behind the Queens Bridge. Immediately it got windy. I realized I could not go on any more. Not just because it was hard to paint or hold my palette which I learned my lesson and used clips to hold it to the easel. The problem was the easel was falling apart. Therefore, I had to call it a day.

However, there was an interlude during painting. A young girl wearing wedding gown and her groom to be came to the Park with a group of camera crew to shoot wedding pictures. Nice, with the whole Manhattan behind them as background, I thought to myself. Then the bride suddenly came over to ask me, "Do you mind?" I thought she was asking me to move my site, so I said no because I had started my painting and could not change my view. The camera man quickly cut in and explained, "They'd like to use you as part of the natural environmental background." "Of course not," I responded, "if they don't mind the fact this make-shift best man is not very presentable." Everyone laughed. Therefore, the young couple began to kiss each other behind me as a pose for the camera. Whether it was a kind of humor that lovers caressed like crazy in contrast of my indifference while concentrating only on my painting, I don't know.  One thing is for sure. I guess they could have survived the cold of Antarctic in this moment of their life, even dressed like they were.

On my way home fruitlessly, I drew a few sketches on subway. One of them happened to be a female homeless, which reminded me of Phi Collins' "Another Day in Paradise." If you don't remember the song, I attached the youtube link below.

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