Monday, November 24, 2014

En Plein Air: Cut Down Tree on Roadside (Oil, 12 x 9)

Maybe this was the most changeable season of the year in New York. The temperature went ups and downs. Today it was in 60s after last night's rain. Even though cloudy, I decided to paint it as it was overcast. I pulled my kit in the Forest Park. People went crazy about the weather. They wore shorts. I was more conservative because I physically simply stood there instead of exercising.

While the ground was still wet, I smelled a funny smell in the woods. Possibly it came from the rotten leaves. Somehow it reminded me of the Chinese ink-stick I used as a child. Remember I strongly resented the odor from the ink-stick when I was told to practice calligraphy. Maybe because of the resentful odor, I was discouraged from becoming a calligrapher. It is a shame. Now I feel it would have given me a lot of help in painting if I had practiced calligraphy well as a child.

I really appreciate the people who took care of the park for their good woek. When I saw the cut down tree, I immediately told myself that I'd like to paint it.

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