Monday, February 12, 2018

Images Seen at the Starbucks

I am waiting for the weather to warm up so that I am able to go outside to do plein-air painting. Meanwhile, what I could do is only sit at local cafes and draw customers there. This afternoon, I went to the Starbucks on Queens Blvd.

Toward the end of my stay there, a pretty Polish girl came to sit next to me. She wore a stylish beret.  I didn't see much of her face because of her cascading hair, but I was quick enough to grab the last sketch. Before I took off, she told me her name was Olinga. I am not sure if I spelled her name correctly. All the sketches were about customers busying themselves over their work either on the computer or the cell except for one who I didn't know why was dozing off in the corner with lots of baggage. Could be homeless, I guess. I don't know.


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