Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Study: The Interior of a Church (Oil, 10 x 16)

I went to the First Community Congregational Church this afternoon. Since it was Christmas time, the Church was decorated, of course. I know Pastor Deb and some other people in the church. The church has been very active in the area's social work, helping the needy with food or other livelihood material. I have painted there quite a few times, mainly outside, including their yard sales.

The church was an A-frame building. The floor of the hall happened to be under repair and could not be walked on, so PD opened the side door for me. Between the pews and the podium, there was a white grand piano and a keyboard. I set up on the right-hand aisle. The air inside felt muggy. Before long I was sweaty all over. Evidently, the A/C unit was not on. I had to open the doors on both sides to have some breezes. The study took a little more than two hours altogether.

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